Bedcover Energy Ambush

Well it happened again, I’m not sure why I still get surprised but I do.  I went upstairs after dinner to lay down and process some excess energy that was stirring up a whole lotta pain filled stories.  It was a bit chilly as the window was open and the cross breeze through the house in the late afternoon had blown away all the hot air from the day, so I snuggled under the covers.  My head was the only visible part of me that was not under the blankets and sheet. Dalai and Taco leapt up on top of the duvet and settled into position; Taco peaceful at the foot of the bed, and Dalai playing with a chew toy busily beside me.  I placed my left hand on my abdomen where I could feel the most intense energy swirling around inside my body, and I laid my right hand out beside me face down on the bed sheet below.

There was no movement in my body.  My breath was slow, silent and deep.  I could feel the vortex of energy under my left hand as it moved counter clockwise in a large elliptical pattern.  After a few minutes I decided to try and move the energy through my extended right arm and out the palm of my hand.  With closed eyes, I began to imagine the energy source at my solar plexus begin to dissipate and travel up into my chest and then ooze slowly down my arm.  But no sooner had I began to release the energy in my mind’s eye, Dalai dropped her chew toy and stood up like a fox pointing at a rabbit hole.  She was starring at the spot exactly where I was releasing the energy.  Suddenly she jumped a foot into the air and pounced on my hand that was under the covers.  She began feverishly digging at the duvet on top of the back of my hand.  I continued to lay perfectly still as she picked up steam.  Then with a quick jerk of her head she fixed her eyes on my head with a stare that locked both of our eyes on each other.  Once again she bounded into the air and this time came down right on my chest and quickly pawed the covers off of my body until she could see my left hand that was resting on top of the energy source.  She looked at my hand for a while, then pulled more of the covers down until she could see my right arm and the hand that she had been digging into from above.  Once exposed, she lay down in one fluid swoosh directly on top of my right hand, her eyes fixed once again on mine.  Dal was completely still on top of my arm.  As I noticed her eyelids begin to lower, I once again closed my eyes and resumed my energy work.

It was several minutes longer that we all stayed quite on the bed, albeit a bit more chilly without the blankets on and the window still open as the cross breeze helped to clean the space.  It was easy to feel the shift in my body as the energy became unstuck and freely moved through my body – there was no more stories, nothing to fix, nothing to do and as always, all was well.

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