Learing To Push Myself

wheelchairI would like to say that I am getting out every day.  I am working just a little bit harder to go a little bit further.  And that all of my efforts are paying dividends towards regaining my freedom!

But that would be the fairy tale ending for a world that is forever creating new storylines and where progress is measured by how little time you beat yourself up for lack thereof.

What I am doing is learning how to push myself.  I am testing the edge of my physical ability and leaning over the ledge as I watch my mind made fears.  I am learning how to roll along toward new landscapes and coast until I find myself on the other side of my limitations.

My biceps are growing stronger as I practice propelling myself even just a few yards.  My husband then steps in to take us further than I can go on my own.  As my mind is bombarded with new smells, sights and sounds, I take in all the new qualities of life when the rubber meets the road.

How funny it is that Dalai continues to be right at home on my lap.  Her enthusiasm brings me great joy if not downright confidence that everything is exactly as it should be.

I worry less about which way to go than I did before.  There is always a fork in the road, but no assumptions that there is any one optimum choice that if made will lead me to greener pastures.  All the while I am covering new ground, exploring my surroundings and realizing that at all times … I am always at home.

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