One Smart Dog

one-smart-dogSo I am watching a documentary on the migration habits of the Northern Flicker … ok, it was Banned Sex Commercials in the UK on YouTube … and there is a squeak noise on the sound track that grabs my dog’s attention.

“See the ball Dalai?”

She cocks her head like the RCA dog with the victrola.  I always wondered if dogs can really see objects on the media screen.  But Dalai is watching intently as the squeekie noise and colorful ball is tossed from side to side.  What a bright dog!

“Want to see a kitty Dalai?”

I do a search for meowing cat.  Once again, Miss Dal becomes absorbed with the action in front of her eyes.  She follows the cat and perks up her ears.

“Yes, Dalai.  That’s a kitty — on the computer.”

I am almost sorry to interrupt her.  But she seems to have a longer attention span than I do!  So I’m off again searching for another video to watch with her.  This time I find a big dog.

The dog in the video let’s out a big bark – WOOF!  WOOF!  WOOF!

And my wonderfully bright puppy who has been watching the squeekie toy and then the cat both on my computer … leaps off the bed and rushes downstairs to see what dog has come in to the house and is making all that noise.

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