Energy Hiccups

Dalai and TacoYesterday I had a nasty twitch in my lower lip.  It was like the one you get in the corner of your eye that just keeps twitching and twitching.  It looked like I had a fish hook in my mouth.  By evening, it was driving me batty — then it dawns on me … I can SHIFT THIS ENERGY BLOCK.  So I went into my room — my two dogs followed, but kept their distance (which seemed strange.)

I sat on the floor in a sun spot and the two girls were on the far side of the bed staying on the opposite side of the room from where I was working.  I could feel the energy pulsating in my face … then as I began to work on releasing the block (moving my arms in slow tai-chi like postures) I could feel it open up and take over the whole left side of my face … and then POOF it went out the top of my head and was gone completely.

Just then, I heard this .. ba-bump.  Then silence.  And again, ba-bump.  Silence.  ba-bump.  I turn around over my shoulder to see Taco at the top of the bed having these big earth moving hiccups!

It was no coincidence that these vagus nerve stimulated spasms of her diaphragm came on at just the precise time that the energy shifted away from my face.  So once again I closed my eyes and did another “cleanse” of the room.  And within moments Taco’s hiccups subsided.  Slowly each dog crept down off of the bed and joined me on the floor in total stillness.

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