Shoot me, I’m dieting

Teal Scale GraphicIts week two without fast food, dessert foods, or any beverage that tastes like anything other than wet.  Reminds me I need to change the water filter under the sink, since H2O has become one of my four food groups.

We have a home full of people who are trying to loose a couple of pounds before the start of the new school year.  Which is ironic because only ONE of us is actually ENROLLED in any classes for the fall.  But after a summer of short shorts, hotdogs, pizza, burgers and other snacks that shouldn’t even pass for consumable goods, we each find ourselves pinching our fingers to button our pants.

The plan?  Well for some it includes taking up running again.  No doubt inspired by watching the Olympics 24/7 for fourteen days.  But then again its been 105 degrees in the shade and after the first day he ended up with shin splints.  So the new running shoes are sitting by the door, looking lonely.  Others have opted to eliminate “certain” foods, like icecream and fast food from the frequent meal plan.  Which apparently doesn’t count Temptation Tuesdays when big macs and pizzelles ala mode made a sneak appearance.

I realize everyone has their own philosophy … or rather RELIGION … when it comes to dieting.  Carbs or no carbs?  Sugar or artificial neurotoxins that inhibit the shut off function in the brain telling us when to STOP eating.  Okay … no secret what church I belong to.  But I know there’s a whole lot more behind the numbers on the bathroom scale that our meaning making minds would like to spin into a story of self-worth and worthiness.  None of it true.

I don’t even believe that our “goal weight” is a matter of choice.  I’ve been around enough bright people who have struggled with weight their whole life to know that “choice” is as much of an illusion as choosing what sex we fall in love with.  Jenny Craig can’t convert a gay man to switch teams any more than she can give you an easy life’s plan in shrink wrapped cute cardboard containers.

As with anything in life that we take on, if we can touch upon it lightly without a sense of urgency or outcome, then we can play with everything that comes up and see what running shoe fits our soul in the moment.

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