If I Were To Die

glowing globe in handds by watergarden drawtograph 306pxIn this moment if I were to die
There would be no me to feel the pain
The quiet emptiness would replace the worry
And the old fears and perceived failures
Would fade away
If in this moment I were to die
The terror of death would finally be silenced
The constant lookout and self-vigilance
Would vanish to be ever no more
However instead if in this moment
The fear of my own death arises
There would be gut wrenching woes
Numberless pains and panic
Fierce attempts to battle the thoughts away
For the me that tries to hold death at bay
Is the same illusion that keeps me
Forever trapped in this chatter and noise
Of the nonsense that fills the void
With mind made monsters and mayhem
Ah, but to lose one’s grip on the I
Would be certain death to the ego
And the seemingly separate sense of self
To know one’s true nature
In this moment
Can happen only when
That which apperceives beyond the I
Takes center stage and announces
You I-diot!  You are already dead.

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